ya Rabb..

Saturday, August 20, 2011

1 in 13 million : Abdullah Taqy

Population of Japan - 127,000,000
Population of Tokyo - 13,000,000
No. of Muslims in Japan (estimate) - 100,000
No. of Japanese Muslims (estimate) - 10,000
No. who converted to Islam NOT for marriage(estimate) - 2 or 300
No. of Japanese Imam's in Japan - 5
No. of Japanese Imam's in Tokyo - 1

Abdullah Taqy is the only Japanese Imam in Tokyo.

A chance meeting with a foreign Muslim 12 years ago in Tokyo's Shibuya district and a life spent studying various religions led him to convert to Islam 3 ½ years ago.
He completed the Hajj, the worlds largest annual religious pilgrimage, to Mecca in Saudi Arabia 2 ½ years ago at the invitation of the Saudi Arabian government.
Shortly after, a meeting with the man who started him down his path to Islam 12 years previously led him to becoming the Imam at a small mosque in the Kabukicho area of Tokyo.

His day job for the past 20 years has been as a tattooist and body piercer.

He is soft spoken and exudes a calmness and friendliness that one cannot help being affected by.

He is truly, 1 in 13 million.

#seorang rakan pernah meyakinkan aku bahawa Jepun berpotensi menjadi negara Islam. aku cuma diam dan berkata dalam hati "insyaAllah..walaupun bukannya mudah". yang sebenarnya aku sendiri masih kabur dengan takrifan 'Daulah Islamiyyah'


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